Sunday 26 April 2015

Prep for Paris haul

Hi, loves!
I'm going to on a school trip to Paris soon so I thought I'd pick up some stuff to make it an even more memorable time. I went to Antwerp with two of my trusty gals: Cassandra and Kelly.

First we went to the Urban Outfitters. My main goal was to find a pair of "mom jeans", but unfortunately I didn't manage to find the perfect pair. I did, however, find a gorgeous pair of 'thrift jeans" from Cheap Monday! Yay for good old fitted jeans! They're super comfy and are made out of proper denim. (The real deal.) Plus they make my bum look good too! Last time I was there, I spotted these super cute necklaces with letters on them. They were too expensive back then, but they were in the sales area this time so I couldn't resist!

"Thrift jeans"
Shop: Urban Outfitters - Cheap Monday
Price: 60 euros

Letter 'L' Necklace
Shop: Urban Outfitters
Price: 6 euros

Next up was Brandy. I adore everything in the shop but I always end up walking away with a tiny bad with one or two items. This time I picked up this cute little crop top! It's so flattering and comfy and I love the pattern too! I almost walked away with a cropped, grey sweater but I had my mind set on something summery so I put it back.

Crop top
Shop: Brandy Melville
Price: 15 euros

Since I promised my mum I'd get two pairs of trousers, we went to Zara next. I lean towards Zara for black skinny jeans. They do such a good job at making them comfy and strechy enough to walk around in all day. I picked up this very simple and high waisted pair!

Skinny jeans
Shop: Zara
Price: 40 euros

Whenever we're in Antwerp we just have to stop by Lush. It has become one of my all time favourite shops in recent years. I'm sure everyone will agree with me when I say it's like walking around in a scented heaven. Their products are quite pricey, but I'm only in Antwerp once in a blue moon so I treated myself!
I bought the mask of magnaminty (which I will be trying out after I post this!) because I've heard so much about it online that I just had to! It smells devine and is a lovely, creamy green colour.
I needed a new toner so I also got the 'breath of fresh air" toner. It's an aroma therapy toner that not only helps you get a clear skin but makes you feel refreshed! 
Tea Tree oil was my saviour when I broke out sevearly when I was 13. I picked up the Tea Tree toner tab for those days when I'm tired, stressed and more importantly: breaking out.
Last but not least, I bought a mini pot of Lush's new charity pot. I love the fact that 100% of the money goes to charities that are trying (and succeeding) to stop animal testing. It's buttery smooth and really keeps your hands moisterized for a long time. I can't put my finger on what the scent is, but I assure you that it smells amazing!
I got a sample of their vanishing cream and I'm eager to try that out too.

• Mask of Magnaminty
Shop: Lush
Price: 8.45 euros

• Breath of Fresh Air toner
Shop: Lush
Price: 6.95 euros

• Tea Tree toner tab
Shop: Lush
Price: 1 euro

• New Charity Pot
Shop: Lush
Price: 2.95 euros

We stumbled upon a little shop called Blissconcept whilest walking to Wagamama for lunch. They sell lots and lots of similar products in shops like Urban Outfitters and Antropology but for a lot less money! Myself and Cassandra have been trying our best to lead a healthy lifestyle these past months and we've both been loving smoothies in particular. Last time we were in Urban Outfitters we saw these mason jar inspired drinking glasses but once again, they were too expensive. We saw the exact same ones in this shop (the same label and everything) for an astonishing 5 euros and we swept them up immediately! Why is this in a prep for Paris haul? Well, we're planning on filling them up with (in my case,) fresh juice or (like cassandra,) a smoothie to drink on the way!

Mason jar drinking cup
Shop: Blissconcept
Price: 5 euros

That's it! I'm super prepared and excited for Paris! I hope you enjoyed this little haul and I'll talk to you all soon.

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